Snacks are smaller foods that aren’t eaten during our regular meal times. When you look at food in this light, then several foods fall under this category. What most people consider as snacks are foods that are commercially manufactured and packaged by large industries. Interestingly, many Nigerians are jumping off this bandwagon to locally-produced foods eaten between meals.
These foods are light so can be eaten in traffic, served as side dishes, and eaten during hangouts. By now, you will agree that so many foods that we eat are actually snacks. What are the most popular snacks in Nigeria? How much do they cost?
Prices of the Best Selling Snacks in Nigeria
Considering the large array of snacks that we have on the market today, it is impossible to say one is the best. The variety is so wide, from locally made snacks to snacks produced by large commercial industries. We understand that finding out their prices can be quite difficult. This is why we took the responsibility to draw up the list below:
- Gala Sausage Roll: From N100 per roll
- Moi-moi: From N200
- Plantain chips: From N100
- Akara: From N20 per cake
- Meat pie: From N400
The snacks stated above are among the most consumed in Nigeria. Their prices are fairly stable but may change depending on several factors. Such factors include prices of raw materials, cost of production, government policies, and location. Asides from these factors, these products cost about the same amount all over the country. Let’s take a closer look at each of these snacks.
Best Selling Snacks in Nigeria
When you consider how much stress we go through daily, eating thrice may not meet our energy needs. One solution to this challenge is to eat snacks between meals. Many of these snacks are pretty healthy and contain a lot of nutrients that keep the body nourished. In this section, we will take a closer look at the snacks in our list above.
Gala Sausage Roll
Gala Sausage Roll is one of the most common snacks in Nigeria. If you have traveled by road or been stuck in traffic, then you must have seen Gala. This snack is made from a mix of wheat flour and meat sausage. It is delicious and promises to meet your energy needs between meals.
The snack contains pure beef filling that is wrapped in rice-wheat pastry. You can eat gala straight from the red and yellow wrapper along with a drink or with water. Are there any health benefits of eating Gala Sausage Roll?
Of course, there are. First of all, this snack contains sufficient protein because of the beef filling. With this, you can improve your muscle mass and repair body tissues. The filling is also rich in iron which protects you from anemia. Finally, it contains a healthy amount of minerals as well as a lot of fiber.
Moi-moi is a local Nigerian snack. Some people hardly consider it to be a snack because you can have it for breakfast, launch, or dinner. We put it in the snack category because you can eat it on the go and it is commonly sold on the road.
This snack is made from beans making very rich in protein and fiber. It also helps to boost your energy levels and keeps you filled for long periods. Because of its filling abilities, it is recommended when you want to lose weight.
Asides from its weight loss and protein content, moi-moi presents you with several benefits. Moi-moi contains a healthy amount of insulin that is helpful for diabetic patients. This snack also possesses strong antioxidant capabilities. It improves digestive health because of its high fiber content. You can eat moi-moi alone or have it with pap, custard, or oats. Also, you can have it alongside any kind of rice while some people eat it with bread.
Plantain chips
Just like Gala Sausage Roll, plantain chips are sold in traffic. This snack is produced by several companies in Nigeria. They can be produced from ripe or unripe plantain, whichever is just as delicious.
Do you know that eating plantain chips is very healthy? This snack contains a high amount of calories to provide your body sufficient energy to carry out daily tasks. Also, plantain chips contain a small amount of protein and very little fat. This snack offers you both vitamins A and C to maintain skin health and boost your immune system. You can eat your plantain chips with water or take a drink to step down.
Akara is another snack that is made from beans. This local snack is very popular all over the country and is mostly eaten as breakfast along with pap. Akara is also known as bean cakes and can be eaten with bread, custard, or “Eko.” You can always buy your Akara from the women that make it by the road. It is best served hot.
Akara is a fibrous snack, just like moi-moi. Because of this, it is great for weight loss as it gives you that feeling of fullness for long periods. It is also very rich in protein and protects you from heart disease. Akara contains a healthy amount of insulin because it is made from beans so it is great for diabetics. Finally, it helps in digestion and also protects your liver.
Meat pie
Meat pie is a very common snack in Nigeria. You can purchase meat pie from a roadside vendor or any top eatery. It doesn’t matter where you purchase your meat pie, it always comes with that very rich taste.
Meat pie contains several nutrients that make it healthy for human consumption. Firstly, it contains meat which is a healthy source of protein. It also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals because of the different condiments present. This snack is fibrous and keeps you feeling full for long periods so is great for weight loss programs. You can take your meat pie with a drink or a glass of milk.