Car Scanner Prices in Nigeria (2025)

Car scanners have become one of the most sought after vehicle equipment today. With the increasing need for people to detect what is wrong with their vehicles on time, car scanners have become one of the to-haves in recent times.

Car scanner prices in Nigeria

In this post, we will take a look at prices of some of the common car scanners in the market today.

Car scanner prices in Nigeria 

Car scanners come in different types and sizes. They also vary in designs and sometimes, functionality. As it stands, the portable car scanners are the most common in Nigeria. This type of car scanner is seen to be less stressful to use and in most cases, durable and relatively cheaper than bigger types.

Car scanners vary heavily in prices. Given their different types, designs and functionalities, this should be largely expected. This section take a look at prices of the common car scanners in Nigeria today.

Konnwei Car Scanners

  • Konnwei Universal Car Code Scanner Diagnostic Tool Auto Code-reader – N30, 000 – N40, 000
  • Konnwei KW680 CAN OBD2 / EOBD Universal Car Scanner – N17, 000 – N25, 000
  • Konnwei KW902 OBD OBD II Scanner Tool Detector – N9, 000 – N15, 000
  • Konnwei ELM327 V1.5 Obd2 Bluetooth Scanner – N8, 000 – N15, 000

Allwin Car Scanners

  • Allwin Mini ELM327 OBD2 II Bluetooth Car Diagnostic Tool Portable Auto Scanner – N3, 000 – N8, 000
  • Allwin Scanner 1.4.0 For BMW Diagnostic Instrument – N9, 000 – N15, 000
  • Allwin WA0038 OP-COM Diagnostic Tool Vag1.59 FW For Opel COM OBD2 Car Scanner – N10, 000 – N15, 000

The prices listed above were gathered from different reliable sources in the current market and are largely dependable. However, it is still essential to confirm these prices in the market before you make a decision on which you want to go for in case there is a significant change in the prices.

The variation in prices is as a result of various factors, which usually includes the place and period of purchase and the currency exchange rate at the period of purchase. It should also be noted that the size of the car scanner and its functionality significantly affect the eventual prices they go for.

Where to purchase car scanners

Car scanners can be purchased directly from various manufacturers or distributors across the country. They can now be purchased online in various e-commerce stores. You can select the exact brand, type and size you want, place your order and anticipate your package delivery in few days depending on where you are. If you want to purchase a car scanner online, it is vital to trust the dependability and integrity of the e-commerce store and the seller. Also, ensure you check and if possible, test the car scanner on delivery to confirm it is the exact type, quality and size you ordered. Car scanners can also be purchased in other conventional vehicle appliance stores across the country.

Things to consider before buying a car scanner

Getting the best car scanner for you is not so easy considering how many various brands and models that in the market today. If you know the basic features to look out for, you should be able to eradicate a substantial numeral of these and pick the best for you. Here are some of the vital factors to consider when buying a car scanner.

  • Consider the Software Capability – The car scanner you may find requires software. It is not possible to run the scanners without software, and some have built in options. The built in options are fine, but you need to consider when they were last updated and whether or not they come with additional supports. This is because if they do not come with supports, it is very likely they contain materials that are outdated and might not help you as much as you might require.
  • Consider reviews – This is one important factor to note when buying a car scanner. It is safe to say that only a few people can identify a genuine scanner and the best way to avoid picking one that might not suit you is to read reviews about the product. It is essential to look for a product that is well-reviewed so you can know the pros and cons. Diagnosing car issues is one thing, but if the Scan Tool you have does not show you the right things, then you can be misled and even further damage your car. Try as much as possible to avoid car scanners with negative reviews.
  • Consider Capability Options – There are loads of connection points that you may have to consider. You might need to answer these two questions as they have a long way to go in deciding which car scanner you’d pick – Would you want a scanner that directly relays messages to a connected laptop? Or would you want one that would send messages to other devices via Bluetooth or other related means? It is important for you to decide which connectivity option that will be convenient for you. This will help you further restrict your options and pick which is best for you.
  • Consider your budget – This is another core factor to consider. There are various types and ranges of car scanners and they vary in prices. Some are very expensive and some are reasonable affordable. When buying a car scanner, you should note that the most expensive ones might not necessarily do the work for you. You need to consider how much you have to spend on a scanner and go for what suits you.

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